
Všetko o kokosovom oleji

For a very long time, I didn’t really linger over coconut oil. Although I heard from everywhere how amazing and versatile it is, I somehow didn’t believe it – and now I can’t even tell you why. When I started to get more into a zero waste lifestyle, suddenly, coconut oil was everywhere; and in […]

Hydro Primer od Alverde

Primer is an inseparable part of my daily make-up routine for several years. It has happened to me a few times that I did not wear it (usually because I ran out of the product, but I have forgot to use it sometimes) and the difference I can not only feel, but mostly see. For […]

Prvé kroky k minimalizmu

Since I learned more about minimalism, I was amazed. I was astonished at the people who were able to reduce their stuff so much that they only lived with a small amount of what they really needed and used. I read the article after the article, watched videos for hours and admired simple wardrobes, airy […]

Všetko o mäsopriemysle

I recently wrote my story about my transition to vegetarianism and my thoughts after three years and I was pleased by your reactions. Today I would like to talk about this topic a little bit more. After this change, I learned about things that have not only shocked me, but it did – and still […]

Tri roky vegetariánkou

I do not know myself how it is possible, that it’s been three years since I went vegetarian – but on the other hand, it’s been a very long time since I last eaten meat. I read the older article posted a few months after this change, but now I have a feeling that I […]