Upratovanie sentimentálnych vecí
Nie som dokonalá
Prvé kroky k vegetariánstvu
15 fotiek, nad ktorými by sme sa mali zamyslieť
Recently, various photos, videos, and articles about plastic pollution have been showing up everywhere around me, but mainly I have been searching for this content by myself. I’m trying to learn more about the waste-free and plastic-free topic because the more I know, the more motivated I am to keep going. Today’s post will be […]
DIY telové maslo
Prvé kroky k zero waste
Over the last couple of months, the trend of a zero waste lifestyle arrived to Slovakia – or more so, more and more people are finally talking about it. Slowly but surely, across the whole country are being opened stores where you can buy package-free, on social media even celebrities remind you the importance of […]
5 faktov o testovaní na zvieratách
Pravda o rýchlej móde
Most people know what is hiding behind the clothes hanging in our closets. They know that they are pieces that are produced in developing countries, where people are working hard in poor conditions for little money. But that’s more or less everything. Normally, you will not find more details on this topic in television or […]