
Vegánstvo a nedostatky živín

Among the first questions that I had to face when people around me found out I was going vegetarian, was where would I get the protein. I always brushed it aside, because I knew that in dairy products and legumens I would get more than enough, but after I had decided that I want to […]

Prečo je minimalizmus skvelý?

I recently wrote a post that I don’t buy clothes anymore – but basically I don’t really buy anything (except for food, of course). It has been a quite some time since I bought a new book, notebook, or candle for myself. Firstly, it’s because I started to seriously re-evaluate what I give money into, […]

Prečo som prešla na vegánstvo

I have mentioned a few times already, that veganism is a bit more difficult for me than vegetarianism was. Excluding meat, meat products and fish from my diet was fairly simple, and basically it happened within a day, but milk, eggs, dairy products, and honey were a bigger step than I have expected – mainly […]

Príliš veľa plastu

First of all, I would like to say that I am delighted with all your reactions to the articles. I appreciate every single comment and it means a lot to me – especially when I see how many people are getting interested the environment; and when I read below the articles, how do you try […]

Už nekupujem oblečenie

A new piece of clothing haven’t appeared in my closet for a few months. To someone this may seem strange, even I would have found this weird two years ago, but it is what it is. I don’t cry at home, I haven’t locked my credit card in a safe so I don’t buy something. […]