
Udržateľné nakupovanie

Every change begins within ourselves; and continues in dedicated time and money. Mainly changes in lifestyle. Because what we choose to invest in has a huge impact. If we don’t even move a finger, we can’t expect everything to turn a hundred and eighty degrees. But if we put energy and savings into something that […]

Rýchly update zo života

I used to write only diary style articles – after I came home from school or from various activities in the afternoon I sat down to the computer, wrote everything interesting, what happened to me during the day, added a nice picture and a boom, the post was done. It was my therapy, a place […]

Kapsulový šatník pre začiatočníkov

Kapsulový šatník definuje kolekciu niekoľkých základných kúskov, ktoré nikdy nevyjdú z módy, spolu s oblečením na rôzne ročné obdobia. text: Berenika — fotografie: SimplyBerenica Pojem capsule wardrobe alebo kapsulový šatník ste už určite niekde počuli. V poslednej dobe zažíva obrovský boom a postupne sa tento trend dostáva aj k nám. V skratke sa jedná o […]

Ako prejsť na vegánstvo

Although many think veganism is just about the structure of the diet, it’s not quite true. Someone can eat only plant based diet and not be vegan. The difference is that the concept of “plant based” really covers only diets – the rejection of animal products; while veganism is a complex lifestyle that is against […]