Ako vytvoriť kapsulový šatník
Feeling 22
Today I was planning to publish another article; I already had a pre-planned out what I want to write about. But I want to talk about another topic – something about yesterday. My birthday. When I was little, I couldn’t wait to be another year older. I counted down the days, weeks, and months, counted […]
Produkcia vajec & prečo vegáni nejedia vajíčka
Eggs are missing only in a few households. They have versatile use in the kitchen – we eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner, in any cooked-alternative, they’re an integral part of desserts and cakes. They have many benefits – they contain few calories, up to 12% is protein and they are a source of […]
Ako zabrániť vytváraniu neporiadku
We are a consuming society. We have tons of things at home, which we don’t need. Low price and easy accessibility thanks to shopping malls ensures that we keep buying more useless stuff; which only pile up and create more mess, that doesn’t look good, creates unnecessary stress and even after cleaning we feel like […]
10 zdravých zvykov
Prečo sa líčim menej?
Prečo vegáni nejedia med
Source: HERE. Picture is cropped and edited. Everyone can understand why vegans don’t eat mat, why they don’t consume milk and dairy products and why they avoid eggs. But many people don’t understand why vegans don’t eat honey either. I mean… the bees produce it for us, don’t they? It’s their only job, they produce […]
Tipy na darčeky pre minimalistov
Finding and buying gifts for minimalists is not easy. They live with as few things as possible, own only what they really need, and what would undoubtedly please others, is just another useless thing for them. But if you want to give them something for Christmas, birthday or any other holiday (or for no reason […]