Zero waste — čo MUSÍTE mať
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The term “fast fashion” refers to clothing or more so brands and chains that offer the latest trends and come up with a new collection every week, while using ads, marketing campaigns and sales to force people to buy clothes again and again. Of course, to keep pace and produce thousands of pieces a day, […]
Čo je minimalizmus?
Ako dosiahnuť svoje ciele
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I bring my own bag to the store. I use fabric produce bags for fruit and vegetables instead of plastic ones. I have a bamboo toothbrush. I use cosmetics sold in paper, glass or without packaging. I refuse straws. I avoid single use products. I buy durable food in package free stores. I only buy new […]
Nové začiatky

Simply Berenica. Blog about me, about my life, about my journey of learning about minimalism, zero waste lifestyle and veganism. Those who have been following the blog for a while now (or you’ve even been with me through the beginnings on as well) probably already know that I’m a very indecisive person. With perfectionist […]