
Inšpirovalo ma / časť 03

Hi there, friends! Today’s article will be a bit more chill — and as you can see by title, I’m coming at you the third part of the Inspired Me miniseries where I share with you articles, videos, books, podcasts or anything else that interested me, inspired and I consider this content important enough to […]

Udržateľné materiály v oblečení

Worst material from which clothing can be made? Polyester. And the best material? Cotton. This is how most people would answer these two questions; and only because of the information on social media, the internet and from regular conversations. But it’s hard to tell which type of fabric is the worst — because polyester also […]

Vedeli ste o vegánstve TOTO?

Five years ago I decided to definitely stop eating meat. After a few days I found out how easy this step was, and I started playing with the idea that I would exclude all animal products from my diet — but it took me a long time. At the time, I was very discouraged by […]

Ako byť stále zorganizovaný

For several years in a row, as one of my New Year’s resolutions, I set that I’ll be more organized. The school, the afternoon activities, my part-time job, the blog, and other duties that I had to get done every day as their toll demanded that my room and personal belongings were often a complete […]