
Ako som zmenila môj život

I lived in Bratislava for three years — and although I learned a lot of useful things thanks to university and journalism, I gained a lot of knowledge and broadened my horizons, met dozens of interesting people who enriched me and are still my very good friends, and got to know our capital city — […]

Jarný kapsulový šatník

Podelíme sa s vami o inšpiráciu na jarný kapsulový šatník — obsahuje dvanásť kúskov vrátane kabátu, topánok a kabelky; a všetky sa ľahko medzi sebou kombinujú. text: Berenika — fotografie: SimplyBerenica + Ešte predtým, než sa pustíme do samotného článku, by som sa vám všetkým rada poďakovala. V priebehu posledných pár týždňov, ktoré neboli […]

Najlepšie náhrady vajíčok

In October, I published an article about my favourite dairy substitutes. You could read about what kind of plant-based milk I like to use, where I buy vegan cheese, what is nutritional yest, or what my favourite ice cream is. Today we will talk again about plant-based alternatives to animal products — but together we […]

Prečo nikdy nebudem minimalistom

I’ve been writing about minimalism on this blog for almost two years. During that time, I have shared many tips with you — on how to get started with minimalism, I have mentioned one essential tip for all those who are getting started with his lifestyle, I wrote my advice on topics like staying organized, […]