Aj pri valentínskych darčekoch často vzniká zbytočný odpad — či už obalmi alebo darčekom samotným. Inšpirujte sa našimi nápadmi na minimalistické darčeky!
There are many brands of vegan cheeses. But choosing one that resembles classic dairy cheese is not easy. Violife is a great example that vegan cheeses can be delicious.
Checklists are a great help when it comes to cleaning. Thanks to them, you can organize your work or plan your time. They will help you clean up small things that create the biggest mess.
Homemade vegan muffins are very easy to make. All you need are the basic ingredients, a clear method and always something extra that will make each muffin different.
Menstrual cups are a great alternative to not creating unnecessary waste during menstruation, they are comfortable and safe to use, they are cleaner, cheaper and last for years.
Fast fashion is a bigger problem than many people think. It’s important to learn why it’s harmful; and a great way is to watch documentaries focused on the topic.
If you’re looking for simple ways how to live more sustainably, the kitchen is one of the best places to start. Eliminate unnecessary waste and find easy plastic-free alternatives!
There is a growing interest to help the environment. But many forget about the biggest polluter — the meat industry. Learn eco reasons to reduce your meat consumption!